Back to School MTBoS Style

Classroom setup is almost complete. Moving up from 5th to 6th grade also meant moving classrooms. I am so excited about my new space!

Here's a view of one wall - the white paint is IDEA (dry erase) paint. Three of my four walls are covered with IDEA paint, with the hope of having enough #VNPS (vertical non-permanent surfaces) for all students to be up and writing at the same time!

Above the IDEA paint are 3 of my 9 mathematical habits posters inspired by Tracy Zager's (@TracyZager) fantastic book Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You'd Had. I read this fabulous book over the summer and am thrilled to have these 9 mathematical practices influencing all of our work this year!

 Another new addition to my classroom this year is the "play table," inspired by the fantastic Sara VanDerWerf (@saravdwerf). When I read her post at the beginning of the summer I knew I had to try it this year! I can't wait to see the students in action at this table. I have a variety of "toys" that I plan to switch out every few weeks.

One last exciting idea that I'm starting the school year with, also from Sara VanDerWerf, are these name tents that double as a great communication tool between myself and my students.

Here's to a new room, new grade level, new start, and so many new ideas thanks to my #MTBoS superheroes!
